This fantasy site was built on imaginative musings of what might be possible in time and space, given the power to pursue and continue love through all eternity, free from the constraints of time or corporal limitations as most of us now know and understand them. While surfing the web for resources to bring this idea to fruition, I ran across several sites that contained precisely the information I desired. The internet being a fluid medium, some of these are no longer around but here is some information about them.

The first site was an art gallery full of beautiful works which express love in its most beautiful form. It would be great if you could visit the Linda Gadbois Art Gallery and enjoy some more of the things her imagination has brought to us. The entrance to this site you are currently viewing, Angelique the Troublewench, is one of her acrylics entitled Reflections of Heaven. At the inception of this site we corresponded and she gave permission to use this piece of her artwork here. We linked back to her site, but that site is no longer active and was not found via searches in multiple search engines. If anyone knows how to locate her, we would very much like to link back to her site.

The second site was a site full of things that triggered all those ideas that are a part of us during childhood fantasy of castles, dragons, unicorns and other fanciful beasts. All of the unicorn paintings and photographs came from Junicorn's Land of Fantasy. It would be nice if you could visit it and take your imagination for yet another ride. I recently tried to communicate with the webmaster on that site also, with no luck. Again, that site is no longer available, so it was lucky that we found it when we did. However, there is the likelihood than some of these images are the copyrighted work of someone so if any of these are yours and you can document that, please let me know so we can remove them from the site or credit you with a link.

The third site was full of resources for use in email or building websites. Due to copyright disagreements that site is also no longer available, although there are still tutorials there for beginners in designing websites. Visit Draac's Free Gifs 123 to see what his plans are for the next phase of his helping webtv users.

The background music was found and converted to RAM by a dear friend, Qe287. The copyrights to the music are retained by the original owners and are not the property of this website or site owner.

Most of the information that I studied to become relatively efficient with HTML and JavaScript was found via following links from Paul Erickson's Link's Pages. In addition to having compiled one of the most extensive sites of links to help WebTV users, he also has links to virtually anything and everything from entertainment to the daily news. Thanks for all the technical help, Paul.

Additional HTML help was found in Ladd's World. This site contains everything from poetry and relaxation techniques to links of interest to Native Americans, or those who wish to trace their lineage to our Native American ancestors. Thanks to you, also, Ladd, for all your support.

Visit these sites and enjoy them all by clicking on the links below. Please continue viewing Angelique... the Troublewench first, though. You can easily return to this page at any time within this site by using no more than four clicks of the back function on your browser.

Draac's Free Gifs 123


Paul Erickson's Links Page

Ladd's World