Once in time, in another world, there was an entity known as Troublewench. Her life was often filled with a chaos beyond the imagination's ken. She lived her life like a cloak drawn tightly around her, worn to protect her from the elements which were often wont to rage about her.
She sits in a moment of peace with her spiritguide, the wolf known as Nakai... as always, by her side. She ponders the vastness of the universe and remembers past lives and adventures while catching a glimpse of her future, before returning to her present.
As always, she searches the universe for the man known as Hook...... her soulmate throughout eternity, from whom she has been separated in this life. Their love remains as true as the day it was born, centuries ago in another time and space.
She longs for his touch again, that took her flying through the heavens as if on the wings of an angel. She hears his voice in the wind, and feels his touch on her face in the warmth of the sun. The tears that he sheds for their separation drop from the skies in the form of the warm rain, in which she stands to bathe her body and mingle her own tears... always reaching for him but always just short of the portal that would open to join them together once again.
She searches for new ways ~to see ~to touch ~to feel ~to heal. She searches the skies for some sign that he is there, and finds some comfort in the memories of those places they journeyed together.
She catches a glimpse of the future, and is suddenly flooded with the sure knowledge that they will be together again someday.... somewhere.... in another time and space. It gives her strength to go on, and she is transformed into an eagle, soaring into the skies with strength and purpose.... flying to his arms on the winds which sing his voice to her, into the warmth of the sun that brings his touch.